
Rauland Borg is a manufacturing facility specializing in healthcare and education products such as life safety products in the schools and hospitals. People across the country depend on the products made at Rauland Borg and the employees of Rauland Borg are up for the challenge.

This facility follows the IBEW manufacturing Code of Excellence. Each product that leaves that facility is stamped with the Code of Excellence guarantee. It is pride in what each and every employee does and pride in the fact that everything manufactured at Rauland Borg is “made in the USA” from start to finish.

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Transcript:  Rauland Borg – A Manufacturing Code of Excellence FacilityDavid Sacharian

David Sacharian – Production Maintenance, Rauland Borg “I’ve worked here 29 years and this company means everything to me. I’ve raised my family from this place. Everything cares about you. You aren’t just a number, everyone knows you by name.”

Randy Orona – Setup Clerk, Rauland Borg “41 years, I think the company here is a great company, it’s sent three of my kids to college. It’s a rock in my life, this job.”

Callie M. Grier, Customer Service Repair, Rauland Borg “I’ve been with the company for 50 years, matter fact this month is my 50 year anniversary.”

Here in Mt. Prospect, IL at Rauland Borg, a manufacturing company that specializes in healthcare and education productions. You will see happy faces, dedication, commitment and pride. These are just a few of the employees that contribute to setting new standards at this family owned company that has been here for more than 70 years.

Norm KidderNorm Kidder – President & Chief Executive Officer, Rauland Borg “The company is a life commitment by me, my family and the people who work here. It’s a commitment to who we are and what it is we do.”

Here at Rauland Borg, extremely important products are being manufactured every day.

Larry Ball – Senior Vice President, Rauland Borg “Our products are life safety products and people in schools and hospitals depend on them to work properly the first time and all the time.”

Mark Basich – Director of Manufacturing & Service, Rauland Borg “We build nurse calls systems, the one in the Mark Basichhospital beds and we can communicate wirelessly with patients and we can provide the hospital on data on nurse ability to get out to the patient on time.”

Rauland Borg employees put out the highest level of quality and part of that success comes from implementing the IBEW manufacturing Code of Excellence.

Mark Basich – Director of Manufacturing & Service, Rauland Borg “The code of excellence was brought into the facility in November of 2014, it aligned with our own philosophy of manufacturing so it fit in very well. Each employee was invited to participate in the activity and received a certificate after.”

Randy OronaRandy Orona – Setup Clerk, Rauland Borg “It means to me taking pride in your work, doing it the correct way, when you see something wrong you report it right away because you do not want that product to be wrong.”

Matthew Quinones – Final Assembly Technician, Rauland Borg “It is a standard of excellence, with so much competition out there you don’t want to send anything out there that isn’t up to par.”Donald Finn

Donald Finn – Business Manager, IBEW Local 134 “The owners and the company see what we are doing, they use that to go out and sell jobs. When they realize that we have this kind of work force and this trained and we work together as a family. It seals the deal for them to go out and sell their factory, they can seal this deal with the code of excellence.”

From the design to manufacturing the product, here at Rauland Borg you can call it “Made in the U.S.A.”Larry Ball

Larry Ball – Senior Vice President, Rauland Borg “We are constantly hearing about how products are made off shore, less expensive.. the fact that we can manufacture a high quality product here that is very successful in the marketplace is just a source of great pride for us.”

In today’s business, consumers have so many choices. Rauland Borg says letting customers come and see the line and meet the people who make these products is a big selling point.

Norm Kidder – President & Chief Executive Officer, Rauland Borg “When we bring in hospital groups or schools, I let them know we appreciate their time. They get to understand our products but meet the people that back them up. They buy the employees as a team as well.”

Larry Ball – Senior Vice President, Rauland Borg “That’s a bigger part of the sales process than even seeing the products. They see the pride of our workforce, the cleanliness of our facility, the level of technology and commitment that we have.”

You can’t have the Code of Excellence without good people and you can’t have good people without the IBEW.

Matthew QuinonesAndrew Floerchinger – Distribution Center Manager, Rauland Borg “Hi I’m Andrew and I’m the distribution center manager at Rauland Borg.”

Randy Orona – Setup Clerk, Rauland Borg “My name is Randy Orona and I’m the setup clerk.”

Matthew Quinones – Final Assembly Technician, Rauland Borg “My name is Matthew Quinones and I’m a final assembly technician.”

Mark Basich – Director of Manufacturing & Service, Rauland Borg “Hi I’m mark and I’m the director of manufacturing and service at Rauland Borg.”Callie M. Grier

Callie M. Grier – Customer Service Repair, Rauland Borg “My name is Callie Grier and I’m customer service repair.”

Andrew Floerchinger – Distribution Center Manager, Rauland Borg “We want to create a positive environment. We start at 7 am and we are here until 5 pm. We will have a goal of trying to meet customer orders as well as job picking. We have times and we have a lot of goals and get momentum going and have a smile on our face while doing it.”

Randy Orona – Setup Clerk, Rauland Borg “To be union is being a part of a strong group. Someone that you can rely on and depend on and you can always ask questions and seek help if you need it. It’s part of being a team.”

Matthew Quinones – Final assembly technician, Rauland Borg “I have four kids, 18, 16, and two little boys. This job is everything. It’s more than a paycheck I take pride in what I do. The ability to come to work and be satisfied knowing that the products that you are sending out you had a hand in and those products are for a greater good.”

Mark Basich – Director of Manufacturing & Service, Rauland Borg “Every time we introduce a new product we educate our employees on the importance of those products. They take that to heart that these are the products that their families will be using in schools and hospitals.”

Callie M. Grier – Customer Service Repair, Rauland Borg “I love what I do and that’s an important thing. You have to love what you do. Anything I’m working on I want it to be perfect. I can do a repair on these small parts and you can’t do it on a machine. I’m just that good. Sorry to say but I KNOW I’m that good. Keep laughing after.”

Randy “I am the IBEW”

David “I am the IBEW

Callie “I am the IBEW”

Matthew “I am the IBEW”

Reporting for IBEW Hour Power, I’m Erica McClaugherty.


Kenny Cooper

IBEW International President Kenny Cooper has been working with the IBEW Hour Power team since he was appointed International President in 2023. President Cooper creates short videos entitled “President’s Message” to bring important announcements and inspirational messages right to your computer screen.

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